Stem cells are tiny cells with great potential & have the ability to save lives. Stem cells are the master cells that act as basic building blocks of the human body. These cells have the unique ability to transform into specialized cells like blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells and so on.
Featured Blog
Posted: September 04, 2020
Posted: September 02, 2020
Stem cells are tiny cells with great potential & have the ability to save lives. Stem cells are the master cells that act as basic building blocks of the human body.
Posted: September 07, 2020
Umbilical cord blood, or popularly known as cord blood is the blood that is present in your baby’s umbilical cord. It is a rich source of stem cells and can be collected only once i. e. at the time of the birth of your child.Stem cells extracted from cord blood are used efficiently in the treatment of blood-related conditions such as Thalassemia, Leukemia etc.
Posted: September 07, 2020
Community Banking allows you to share preserved stem cells exclusively amongst its community members to find matching donor stem cells. It provides protection to baby and immediate family members i. e Parents, Siblings, Maternal and Paternal Grandparents against all medical conditions treatable by stem cells.