StemCell Banking Online Guide

From the beginning of Lockdown to 31st May, 2020, LifeCell Has Successfully Completed > 18,500 Virtual Presentations and > 5,500 Cord Blood Collections

Be Assured, Your Cord Blood Is Safe With LifeCell

Amidst the Lockdown, LifeCell Continued to Safely Collect and Store Cord Blood

*Data from 24th March, 2020 to 31st May, 2020

Parameter Result Specification
Cord Blood Samples Received 5574 For Information
Median Cord Blood Collection Volume 84 mL For Information
Median Leftover RBCs After Processing (%) 2.5% Lesser The Better!
Median Alive Stem Cells (Viability %) 98.2% >70%
Stem Cells Recovered (%) 84% >70%
Rejected Samples (%) 0% For Information

Discover the Unique and Powerful Potential of Your Baby's Stem Cells.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gift your baby a healthy future is to preserve their stem cells at birth. Understand the Benefits of Banking your Baby’s Stem Cells & Why You Should Choose LifeCell As You Healthcare Partner!.<p class="hidden-xs" style="margin-top:20px;"></p>

Why Do Our Customers Recommend LifeCell?

Mrs. Deepika Solanki

LifeCell has done a commendable job of ensuring timely cord blood collection, even during the lockdown

Mr. Sandeep Sandhu

I am really grateful to the LifeCell Team for their undivided support during the lockdown period

Why Doctors Recommend LifeCell?

Dr. Purvish Parikh on Community cord blood banking

Community cord blood banking is the perfect solution to bring technological capability to the masses - leveraging India’s high birth rate to bring life changing treatments available to patients who have life-threatening illnesses.

Dr. Purvish Parikh,
Director, Precision Oncology and Research, Asian Institute of Oncology, Somaiya Ayurvihar Cancer Care Molecular Oncology Society - May 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cord Blood Stem Cells have high regenerative properties & the ability to transform into blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells etc. Currently, they are used to treat 80+ life-threatening medical conditions. By storing the precious cord blood of your baby, you can now protect not just baby but entire family including parents, siblings, maternal & paternal grandparents for a lifetime.

LifeCell uses premier cord blood processing technology-PrepaCyte-CB®. This technology allows extraction of a maximum number of stem cells and provides superior red blood cell depletion over all other methods. LifeCell is the only company in India to offer this unique technology to its customers. For more information on cord blood processing:

LifeCell offers a number of flexible storage plans at an affordable price. The EMI starts at Rs. 950/month. For more information on pricing & offers:

Once the stem cells are tested & processed in our lab, LifeCell sends a preservation certificate to parents. An annual preservation status report with details of monthly temperature track record shared once every year. To know more about how to bank your baby’s stem cells with LifeCell:

You can register with LifeCell anytime before your expected delivery date. We suggest you enrol with us during your second or initial phase of the third trimester to avail an early-bird discount and other exciting offers. Yet to make a decision on stem cell banking? Let our experts help you make the right decision. Book an appointment with us today:

Umbilcal cord blood is the most popular source for banking. Cord blood banking is the extraction of stem cells from umbilcal cord. Know more about stem cell banking benefits here.