Male Reproductive Health: What’s Your Fertility Status?

Men’s reproductive health is a vital part of their overall health and well-being. Men are frequently left out of discussions about reproductive health, especially when issues surrounding infertility and contraception are assumed to generally affect only women. Men should share equal responsibilities for safeguarding their reproductive health. This can be achieved by being proactive in preventing sexually transmitted infections and preserving fertility.1

Did you know that globally, infertility affects 15% of couples? And of this, the prevalence of infertility due to the male factor is around 23% in India.2 This is why it is of importance for men to check their fertility status. A semen analysis test along with an STI test would help men to stay on top of their reproductive health. How, you ask?  Read on.

Male Fertility Testing In A Nutshell

A major part of men keeping track of  their reproductive health is to get a semen analysis test. It is the first step in male fertility testing. A semen analysis test is a painless, non-invasive test in which a sample of semen (male ejaculate), usually obtained through masturbation, is tested under the microscope to determine the quality and quantity of sperm and semen. This test assesses a variety of factors including semen volume, sperm count, sperm concentration, sperm motility, sperm morphology, and white blood cells. It provides you with sufficient information about men's fertility, reproductive health, and the viability of their sperm for freezing them.3   

LifeCell offers SpermScore, a discreet, at-home, comprehensive semen analysis test that analyses 11 sperm health parameters and 14 sperm health conditions. What more? You can get your results in just 24 hours!

What If My Results Are Abnormal?

If the results of the sperm analysis test are abnormal, you may need additional tests that your doctor can perform.

These tests include: 

1. Post Ejaculate Urine Analysis: 

This test looks for sperm in urine, which can result from retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation occurs when the sperm enters the bladder instead of exiting the penis. This test is usually recommended to men who have low semen volume (less than 1.0 ml).4

2. Hormone Tests: 

This test analyses the levels of various hormones which include testosterone, prolactin, serum Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Abnormal levels might indicate low sperm count and concentration in men.4

3. DNA Integrity Test: 

This test analyses the integrity of the sperm and its reproductive potential by assessing the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation (breaking of DNA strands into pieces).4

4. Genetic Screening: 

This test screens for genetic conditions in men who may have fertility issues. 15% of male infertility is caused due to genetic conditions.5 

The Importance Of Checking Your Reproductive Health 

The average human sperm concentrations have decreased by 51.6%, while total sperm counts have decreased by 62.3% over the past 50 years. There has been a decline in sperm counts and a rise in male reproductive system abnormalities.6 Infertility due to the male factor affects 40% of infertile couples. This is mostly due to age, biological, environmental, and  lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity. Male infertility doesn't only affect reproductive health, but also an individual's overall health. Other serious conditions like diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular disease are associated with male infertility.7 Also, according to research, men often postpone getting their health checked unless there is an urgent medical need. This is why it is critical for men to actively monitor their reproductive health.7

A Concluding Note

There are many semen analysis tests available in the market. But, if you wish to take a test that respects your privacy at best, then you can choose LifeCell's SpermScore

A comprehensive semen analysis followed by consultation with an expert will assist you in knowing your fertility status and also in taking the necessary steps forward. You may also opt for sperm banking, if you plan on embracing parenthood later in your life. 

LifeCell’s SpermVault (sperm banking service) is a pragmatic solution to bank your sperm for future use. This service will help you preserve your fertility at its peak and will also assist you in embracing fatherhood when you’re ready for it.