What are stem cells - Sources & Uses of stem cells

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are tiny cells with great potential & have the ability to save lives. Stem cells are the master cells that act as basic building blocks of the human body. These cells have the unique ability to transform into specialized cells like blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells and so on.

How Do Stem Cells Work?

Various factors like ageing, injury or illness can lead to parts of our body or its functions to be damaged or affected. Stem cells have the ability to both replace or repair these affected parts by restoring the normal function of our body.

Role Of Stem Cells In Healthcare

Today, stem cells have the ability to treat over 80 blood related medical conditions such as Thalassemia, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Neuroblastoma, etc.,

Over 500 clinical trials for conditions such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Diabetes are currently underway increasing the scope of future treatments.

Unique Properties Of Stem Cells

Stem cells obtained especially from umbilical cord blood have high regenerative properties & the ability to treat about 80+ diseases. These stem cells are capable of developing into blood cells to replace diseased cells.

Cord blood banking has gained huge popularity over the past few years because of their ability to treat cancers such as lymphomas and leukaemia, genetic disorders, metabolic & immune disorders. It is highly recommended by doctors worldwide to do Umbilical Cord Blood Banking at the time of birth.

What is Stem Cell Banking?

Stem cell banking or Umbilical cord blood banking is the process of storing precious umbilical cord blood obtained at the time of delivery for potential use in the future. Stem cell banking offers a healthy future for not just your baby but the entire family.

What Is The Probability Of Being Diagnosed Of A Condition Treatable By Stem Cells?

1 in 217 will undergo a stem cell transplant by the age of 70 years

Every individual has a 5% probability of being diagnosed with a condition treatable by stem cells. Hence, for a family of 8 members that includes the child, siblings, parents and grandparents,there is a high probability of 40% for the family members to be diagnosed with a condition that requires stem cells for its treatment.

The Application Of Stem Cells In Medicine

Stem cells are currently used in modern day medicine & can help treat over 80+ medical conditions through replacement and repair approaches.

For over 50 years, more than 13 lakh transplants have been done using stem cells across the globe. Currently the number is more than 50,000 transplants every year and growing as we speak. Stem cells  have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into different cell types, stem cells have found applications in the treatment of various diseases.

Stem cells are being successfully used and studied for further use in the following areas.

Stem cells find use in repair and restoration of damaged tissues or organs in case of severe injuries and chronic diseases.

These remarkable stem cells have the potential to treat various medical conditions. These include forms of blood cancers as well as various genetic, immune, and metabolic disorders. For instance, the FDA has approved the treatment of over 80 diseases using cord blood stem cells.

Stem cells are being researched to repair damaged heart muscle cells after a heart attack or heart disease.

Stem cells have the ability to replace diseased blood cells to restore blood and immune systems.

Research is focused to replace damaged nerve cells in patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cord Blood Stem Cells have high regenerative properties & the ability to transform into blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells etc. Currently, they are used to treat 80+ life-threatening medical conditions. By storing the precious cord blood of your baby, you can now protect not just baby but entire family including parents, siblings, maternal & paternal grandparents for a lifetime.

LifeCell uses premier cord blood processing technology-PrepaCyte-CB®. This technology allows extraction of a maximum number of stem cells and provides superior red blood cell depletion over all other methods. LifeCell is the only company in India to offer this unique technology to its customers. For more information on cord blood processing: https://www.lifecell.in/biobank/lc-prepacyte-cb

LifeCell offers a number of flexible storage plans at an affordable price. The EMI starts at Rs. 950/month. For more information on pricing & offers: https://www.lifecell.in/biobank/umbilicalcord-banking-offers

Once the stem cells are tested & processed in our lab, LifeCell sends a preservation certificate to parents. An annual preservation status report with details of monthly temperature track record shared once every year. To know more about how to bank your baby’s stem cells with LifeCell: https://www.lifecell.in/media/newsletter/pdfs/pdf/LifeCell_Community_Banking_Brochure_EPIP_-_August_2019_Ver_009_English_.pdf

You can register with LifeCell anytime before your expected delivery date. We suggest you enrol with us during your second or initial phase of the third trimester to avail an early-bird discount and other exciting offers. Yet to make a decision on stem cell banking? Let our experts help you make the right decision. Book an appointment with us today: https://www.lifecell.in/request-a-call-back-1

Umbilcal cord blood is the most popular source for banking. Cord blood banking is the extraction of stem cells from umbilcal cord. Know more about stem cell banking benefits here.