Website Terms of Use


The website www.lifecell in or such other interlinked websites (“Website”)of LifeCell International Private Limited, its subsidiaries & affiliates, associates (collectively referred to as “LifeCell”) as modified, reinstated, changed from time to time at LifeCell’s discretion serves as a platform for its visitors, clients, customers etc (“User”) to know the products and/or services of LifeCell, to avail the products and/or services.


These Terms of Use including but not limited to the Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, consents for disclosure/gathering of the User information are as per the prevailing laws which are enacted, notified, amended from time to time in India and abroad from where a User accesses the Website.

The User accessing the Website grants consent for gathering the User’s information as per the Terms of Use, privacy policy and cookies policy as mentioned in the respective documents. The User understands and declares that no further consent is required.

LifeCell has made arrangements with its partners at various levels for their products and/or services which may be listed on the Website from time to time.

LifeCell is operating from India with offices located in other parts of the world. LifeCell is engaged in the business of umbilical cord stem cell banking, diagnostics, preconception services, other health care activities, biologics products, skin care products (“Business”). It is necessary for LifeCell to gather consumer preferences, purchase power, purchase pattern, negotiations with various services providers or sellers, and expectations which directly or indirectly contribute to LifeCell’s Business.


LifeCell does not provide medical advice or any type of prescription. Users are requested to discuss with the physician, doctor of their choice, read and understand the terms of service, product usage before purchasing the products or services of LifeCell. LifeCell engages third party service providers as and when required. LifeCell does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such third party service providers. The User may engage the service provider, transporter, Doctor, or phlebotomist of their choice.

Privacy & Cookies Policies

LifeCell will handle the User’s information in accordance with LifeCell’s privacy and cookies policies. LifeCell shall not be responsible for any information that you share with your doctor or physician.

Account with LifeCell

For purchasing LifeCell’s products & services, for enabling LifeCell to gather the User information, a User may or may not have an account with LifeCell. LifeCell starts gathering the Users information once a User visits the Website and feeds data therein or LifeCell may also gather information from its business partners. Creating a user id, strong password, changing the password, updating or modifying the personal information in the Website should be handled by the User independently. The User shall be solely liable and responsible for any loss, damage, expense or claims arising due to the User’s failure to keep such information confidential and safe. The User may communicate with LifeCell if the User suspects any activity in its account with LifeCell. LifeCell shall endeavor to block the suspected account. Such complaints shall be filed from the registered mail id or from the registered mobile number. Users may also file complaints from other mail ids or contact numbers by quoting the User’s account number, customer relationship management number or such other id allotted by LifeCell.

By setting up an account with LifeCell, the User agrees to provide contact details which LifeCell can use to contact you in relation to your purchase of LifeCell’s products or services. It is important that the details you provide to LifeCell are correct, accurate and complete and that you promptly update your Account as necessary. By signing up for an account and by purchasing LifeCell’s products or services, the User acknowledges that the transmission of data over the internet can never be completely secure and the User accepts such risk that others may be able to read or intercept any information that is submitted to LifeCell. This includes but not limited to the transmissions that are identified as secure or encrypted and may include health-related information.

User Representations and Warranties:

By accessing the Website and by submitting the information, the User hereby represents that:

  • The User is not a minor as per the prevailing law of the relevant country, province as applicable;
  • The website is used by the User on his/her own behalf and not on behalf of others.
  • The User is of sound mind, capable of reading and understanding these terms including but not limited to the privacy policy, cookies policy and refund and cancellation policy
  • The User will not allow anyone else to use the Website on his/her behalf
  • Information provided to LifeCell is true and correct and no incorrect or misleading information is provided.
  • The User shall purchase the products or services in a lawful manner for legally permitted usages for which the products or services are intended for.
  • The User shall read and understand the terms of usage/service of each underlying service or product which is purchased through the Website. Users purchasing the products or services through the Website declares that the User has read and understood the terms.

Intellectual Property Rights

LifeCell along with its associates, subsidiaries, affiliates, business partners own and/ or acquire certain Trade Marks, Word Marks and other technical information (“IPR”) which may be disclosed on the Website. Through the Website, LifeCell does not permit or authorize any third party to use the IPR for any purpose. The User cannot reproduce, duplicate , cross engineer, reverse engineer or recreate the similar or identical IPR. LifeCell shall prosecute against such activities at the cost and expense of the defaulter.

What Information does LifeCell Gather?

LifeCell and the Website gathers the following information of its visitor, client or customer whoever visits the Website:

  • Personal Information: The Website may or may not ask for registration of your personal information. LifeCell gathers such personal information only when it is voluntarily declared by the Website User. LifeCell may ask you to submit survey related questions, polls, participation in contests, promotions etc., signing up for email updates and announcements on LifeCell’s products, special promotions and related activities. The personal information here includes but is not limited to the User name, postal address, age, preference, contact information, email address, billing address etc., LifeCell collects the above mentioned personal information when you visit the Website or through phone calls or whenever you visit the related party’s website which includes the business partners, brand partners as the list changes from time to time.
  • Health-related Information: When a User visits the Website including that of a related party as mentioned in this Terms of Use, LifeCell will collect information pertaining to your health, sex, marital status, children, wearables, your physician, medication, insurance details, your laboratory test Information or any other information as deemed necessary for serving the User in a better way.
  • Website and Device Information: LifeCell collects information about your browser or device, including, where available, your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our business and brand partners. LifeCell also collects details of your visits to our Site including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, the resources that you access, web logs and other communication data. Our Site and apps use cookies as well; see our Cookies Policy for more information on the cookies we use and why we use them. LifeCell may also ask you for information when you report a problem with our Site. A User may also choose to grant us access to certain features of your device, including allowing LifeCell to access your mobile phone camera to take pictures.

How Do We Use the Gathered Information:

LifeCell uses the information to provide, operate, improve, understand, customize, support, and market its Products and Services. The broad uses of the gathered information are described below:

  • To provide you with our products and services.
  • To receive, store and analyze the test samples at LifeCell or its associated laboratories.
  • Receiving, reviewing, storing, and communicating the test result/report to you by email, mobile, or other means of communication.
  • To fulfill and support your product and service purchase choices, including processing payments and providing customer service.
  • To ensure that content on the Website is presented in an appealing manner.
  • For marketing purposes to keep you informed about the latest products or services launched.
  • To provide marketing services, including targeted marketing on third-party websites such as social media platforms.
  • To detect, investigate, and prevent acts that may be illegal or in violation of our policies or agreements, including sharing information with law enforcement.
  • To retain certain records about the handling of the samples which you send us for regulatory purposes.
  • To meet any legal obligations or regulations, such as regulatory reporting to health and medical agencies or the financial reporting of specific tax and accounting records.
  • For promotional activities.

Amendment to Terms of Use of the Website, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy (“Website Policies”)

LifeCell may amend or revise the Website Policies from time to time and such amendments and revisions will be done at LifeCell’s discretion. The provisions of the Website Policies supersedes all previous notices or policies regarding the use of Website and such other tracking technology. Please refer to the Website Policies for the most up-to-date information.


If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of these Website Policies (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision will, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted or modified, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions including the modified provision will not be affected.

Consent to Collect Information

By using the Website, disclosure of information, purchasing any products or services through the Website, you declare to have read and understood the Website Policies, give consent to these terms and to use, manage the information gathered by LifeCell or as disclosed by yourself as a User.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Website Policies are governed by the laws of India. Courts in Chennai shall have exclusive jurisdiction for entertaining any and all disputes arising out of these terms. By using the Website you hereby irrevocably agree to these terms including the jurisdiction.