Transplantation of human cells & tissues to replace or repair damaged tissue and/or cells is already helping thousands of patients each year across the globe. More promising research is ongoing by using them in novel ways thereby continously expanding the potential of such technologies.
LifeCell's portfolio of products originates from birth tissues including placenta and umbilical cord, with applications towards cancerous and genetic disoders to even treatment of advanced wounds!

Advanced Wound Care

Utilise Placental & Cord Tissue-Based Products for Improved Health

Transplant Preparation

Proactively Prepare for Better Transplant Outcomes

Covid-19 Recovery

Harness the life saving potential of Umbilical Cord Cells (MesoCel) in treatment of severe Covid - 19

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Advanced Woud Care

~2% of the world population that’s affected by wounds which haven’t healed for over a month with conventional dressings.
For aid repair of such chronic wounds more advanced dressings based on birth tissues are utilised given their nutrient-rich, structurally complex and immunologically privileged properties

Transplant Preparation

Every year, thousands of patients are diagnosed with potentially fatal blood cancers such as leukaemia or other diseases such as sickle cell anaemia. Unfortunately, 70% of patients do not have a completely matched donor in their family. The diversity of Indian population makes the likelihood of finding a genetically matched donor range from one in 10,000 to one in two million.
The only way to bridge this gap is by joining LifeCell’s stem cell registry - largest repository of Indian origin stem cells. Extend the life saving benefits to your loved ones and gift them the promise of a healthy future

Covid-19 Recovery

MSC’s or Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, are a multi-potent cells that can not only self-renew but also transform into multiple tissue types such as bone, cartilage, fat, etc. Currently, MSCs are being medically investigated in over 1000+ clinical trials globally.
LifeCell’s MSC product, MesoCel, sourced from umbilical cord seeks to build on this, beginning with COVID-19 management.

Why Choose LifeCell

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How does it work?

  • 1

    Order your kit online or send a request to purchase

  • 2
    Sample Collection

    Schedule at home sample collection or have the product delivered home

  • 3
    Use the product

    Use the product as advised in the kit or by your physician

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