QF PCR (Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction)

An automated rapid diagnostic tool for detection of trisomy disorders


QF-PCR Overview

Some selected chromosomal abnormalities need to be diagnosed in a rapid manner. Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) is one such breakthrough fully automated technique that provides rapid diagnoses of select chromosomal anomalies by eliminating the need to culture fetal cells. QF-PCR test on total cellular DNA is used as a secondary test for confirming conditions of chromosomal trisomy, submicroscopic deletions and duplications in the chromosome.

QFPCR helps prospective parents in more ways than one

It provides a targeted and rapid diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities

Allows you to begin planning for a child with special needs or make a decision about carrying the child to term

You can get test results in just 48-72 Hours

Offers Free Genetic Counselling after the test to understand your results better.

How Does QFPCR Work?

Booking The Test

Your doctor places an order for the test.


The Products of Conception (fetal tissues, placental remains) are collected and taken to the lab.

Laboratory Analysis

The DNA is extracted from the POC and testing and analysis of the sample is conducted in the lab.


The results are shared within 3 days of receiving the sample..


Post-result free counselling is offered to parents to understand the test results better.

Begin your healthy pregnancy journey with



Please note that QFPCR can only be ordered by a physician. They would also be the only person to receive your results and will pass them along to you. If you are unable to find a physician, contact us on 1800-266-5533 & we will organise one for you at no additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Down syndrome (Trisomie 21)
  2. Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18)
  3. Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13)
  4. Trisomy 16
  5. Trisomy 22
  6. Turner syndrome (Monosomy X)
  7. Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
  8. Jacobs syndrome (XYY)
  9. Triple X syndrome (XXX)
  10. Turner Syndrome ( A female baby with a missing or damaged XX chromosome)

This test is performed on a blood sample.
In addition, samples for the test can be obtained using the following methods:

  1. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). - This includes obtaining a small sample of the baby’s cells from the chorionic villi, which are placental tissues.
  2. Amniocentesis - This includes obtaining a sample of the amniotic fluid, or the liquid that surrounds your baby in the womb.
  1. QF-PCR test on total cellular DNA can be used as a secondary test for conditions of chromosomal trisomy and submicroscopic deletions and duplications in the chromosome.
  2. QF-PCR technology eliminates any chance of culture failure.
  3. QF-PCR detects abnormalities of chromosomes 13,18, 21,15,16, 22 & gonosomal aneuploidies which constitutes to Spontaneous pregnancy loss
  4. QF-PCR identifies and quantifies Maternal Cell Contamination(MCC), unlike traditional cytogenetic technique
QF-PCR BASIC QF-PCR Plus QF-PCR Integrated ( As recommended by International Guidelines)
Coverage Trisomies: 13,18,21 and Gonosomal Aneuploidies Trisomies :13,18,21 ,15,16,22 and Gonosomal Aneuploidies
  1. QF-PCR Basic: Positive, Couple Karyo FOC
  2. QF-PCR Basic Negative, Prenatal CMA FOC
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