Placenta Donation

Placenta Donation Program

A Gift that Transforms Lives

LifeCell offers a special program for expecting mothers who want to donate their placenta to help others heal! With your consent, the placenta, which is usually discarded after birth, can be donated and in no way it will affect or risk your baby

As you give the first gift of life to your baby, the second gift can transform the lives of people with serious medical needs

The placenta is a fascinating tube-like organ that develops during pregnancy. It plays an important role in providing oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby as well as removing waste products from their blood

Why Donate Placenta?

You don’t need a reason to help others! However, to assist you in making an informed decision here’s what you should know.

The placenta is made of different layers which are rich in nutrients. This gives it its unique healing properties. It is used in the treatment of chronic and traumatic non-healing wounds, diabetic foot ulcers, skin burns, eye injury and disorders, and more! By donating the placenta, which is collected by an absolutely painless method, you are setting the right course for your baby’s legacy!

Who Can Donate their Placenta?

Expectant mothers of any age who are preferably planning to undergo a cesarean section can donate placenta unless there are any medical conditions such as cancer or infectious diseases that can disqualify them to do so.

How Can Placenta Donation Help?

LifeCell uses proprietary technology to harness the natural healing properties of placental tissue to craft membrane allografts for wound and eye care. Each placental tissue donated can be used to prepare almost 8 - 10 transplantable membrane grafts. So, your single donation can help improve the lives of up to 10 patients in need!

As Part Of The Placenta Donation Program, Lifecell Offers 2 Amchoplast® Allografts Absolutely Free!

Here’s What Makes Amchoplast® An Exceptional Wound Cover

Where Can AmchoPlast® Be Used?

Why Choose Lifecell?

First and Only Stem Cell Bank Outside The USA to Have AATB Accreditation For Birth Tissues

How to Participate?

Discuss the option of donating placenta with your consulting gynaecologist.

Contact LifeCell on 1800-266-5533 to inform us about it. In case you are opting for cord blood banking with us, worry not! You can make this choice at the time of enrolment with no additional sign-up. Isn’t it easy!

Sign a consent form, and answer an easy questionnaire regarding your medical history, which will be kept confidential

LifeCell Paramedic to be present at the time delivery to collect the placental tissue & mother’s blood sample for screening.

Get 2 AmchoPlast® Allografts absolutely FREE!

Make A Wise Decision & Help Transform Lives! Call Today!