
PrepaCyte-CB®, a proprietary composition, is a liquid reagent used in cell processing to separate and collect therapeutically relevant cells. These could include collection of stem cells from a variety of human blood sources including umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood and bone marrow.

This technique relies on a unique non-particle-based separation mechanism that segregates the components of blood cells during processing.

What Are The Benefits of PrepaCyte-CB®?

Higher Stem Cell Recovery

More Of What Parents Want

PrepaCyte-CB® recovers significantly more viable stem cells than the processing methods used by other cord blood banks. In a comparison conducted by the St. Louis Cord Blood Bank, PrepaCyte-CB2 recovered the highest percentage of colony-forming stem cell units (CFUs), capturing 70 % more than the AutoXpress (AXP) method. The number of CFUs is currently the most accurate measurement to determine stem cell potency and the potential for stem cell engraftment.

Lower Red Blood Cells

Less Of What Parents Don't

PrepaCyte-CB® also reduces red blood cell (RBC) contamination. Fewer red blood cells post-processing means fewer toxic side elements. AXP can reduce the red cell count by up to 70 percent45 and Sepax can reduce its RBCs by 84.7 percent33; however, PrepaCyte-CB® can get rid of up to 99%2,3 of red blood cell contamination.

Fastest recovery after transplants

Lesser Time Spent In Hospitals

Most importantly, PrepaCyte-CB® processed cord blood expedites the recovery post transplants. Earlier engraftment time means the patient will spend less time in the hospital during a vital stage when they don't have a robust immune system capable of fighting pathogens.

ParametersPrepaCyte-CB®Sepax / Sepax 2AXP / AXP II
Days To Recovery Of Patient 16 Days 20 Days 21 Days
TNCC Recovery (%) 85 - 90% 75 - 80% 76%
RBC Depletion (%) 99% 84.70% 70%

Other Advantages of PrepaCyte-CB®

  1. Maintains the ability of stem cells to multiply.
  2. Stem cell recovery is not affected by the initial volume of cord blood.
  3. A completely sealed & sterile system that greatly reduces the chances of contamination.
  4. Reduces identification errors.
  5. Consists of non-toxic components.

How PrepaCyte-CB® Can Save Hospitalization Cost?

A comparison between the engraftment time (days to recovery) for transplants with PrepaCyte-CB® processed cord blood to other methods, shows the superiority of the method (depicted in the table above).

Faster recovery leads to lesser time in hospital which ultimately saves money!

The choice is clear!!

Through our commitment to quality, we are able to offer the best cord blood product which could lead to better treatment outcomes, less stress and possible financial savings.

Join LifeCell in its undaunted journey to ensure every family a healthy future.

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