Why Choose LifeCell Stem Cell Banking over Other Stem Cell Banks in India?

Why over 3.5 Lakh Parents Trust LifeCell?

LifeCell backed by trust, reliability and personalised customer service stands to be your perfect choice. Having pioneered stem cell banking in India for the first time, LifeCell takes the step towards bringing “Community Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking” to ensure that your baby and entire family stay protected with the power of stem cells.

During the COVID-19 pandemic our labs & ground staff are active & have also taken all the necessary preventive measures. Watch our Medical Director, Dr. Chirayu Padhiar, give a tour of our fully functional & state-of-the-art stem cell storage facility. Babycord

LifeCell Legacy

LifeCell is India’s first and largest stem cell bank enjoying the trust of over 3.8 Lakh parents.

Most Accredited Stem Cell Bank with accreditations from AABB, WHO GMP, NABL, ISMS, CAP and US FDA Registered

LifeCell uses a premier cord blood processing technology called "PrepaCyte-CB®" which yields the maximum recovery of healthy stem cells and provides superior red blood cell depletion over all other methods.

Value-added services Offerings like extension of community banking benefits to your siblings & their family (Family Floater) & proactive knowledge of available matched stem cell units (StemMatch).
Transplantation Program Better patient safety via Genomic Profiling using next-generation sequencing of Cord Blood units before release.Transplantation Program Better patient safety via Genomic Profiling using next-generation sequencing of Cord Blood units before release.

India’s only Dual Site Facility at Chennai and Gurugram, ensuring an additional layer of security

5 Simple Steps To Preserve Your Baby’sStem Cells at LifeCell

Sign Up with us, inform your doctor & receive the collection kit from LifeCell expert

Get Your Kit
After enrolment, our expert will call to provide details of the paramedic & kit box instructions

Time For Delivery
Call our paramedic on 1800 266 5533 at least 2 hours before delivery. Carry kit to hospital & hand it over to doctor

Stem Cell Collection
Your baby’s umbilical cord blood is collected in the kit & our logistics chain will safely transport the sample to our lab

Our lab experts will test & process the received samples. Extracted stem cells are preserved & certificates are dispatched

Discoverthe Unique and Powerful Potential of Your Baby's Stem Cells.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gift your baby a healthy future is to preserve their stem cells at birth. Understand the Benefits of Banking your Baby’s Stem Cells & Why You Should Choose LifeCell As You Healthcare Partner!

How Is Cord Blood Processed At LifeCell?

PrepaCyte-CB® - A premier cord blood processing technology for the highest yield of Stem Cells from your Baby’s Cord Blood


Cord Blood bag received at LifeCell laboratory


Top Layer - Plasma
Middle Layer - Buffy Coat
Lower Layer - Red Blood Cells


Buffy coat with stem cells are harvested using LifeCell's proprietary processing technology
Excess plasma is removed using automated plasma expressor


DMSO-Dextran [Cryoprotectant] is added to buffy coat with stem cells to provide safety to cells during cryo-preservation


After homogenization, of DMSO buffy coat with stem cells are transfered to Cryo Bag (25ml)


Wrapped and sealed cryo-bags are frozen using control rate freezer and transfered to cryo-vessels


Frozen under -196 degrees Celsius and preserved

Top 10 reasons to why parents should choose LifeCell

Trying to decide the best stem cell bank for your baby? This short video will help you understand what makes LifeCell India's most trusted and reliable stem cell bank over 15 Years

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s the list of tests performed on Cord Blood:
1.At the time of Storage: Cord Blood Group & Rh Typing, Cord Blood Volume, Total Nucleated Cell Count, Total Mononuclear Cell Count, Total CD 34 Cell Count, CD 34 Stem Cell Viability, Hematocrit, Sterility.
2.At 2 years from the date of birth of the Child: (For Specimens listed in LifeCell Community Banking Registry)
a. Hemoglobinopathies
b. HLA Typing by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
c. Colony Forming Unit (CFU) Assay
3.At Retrieval For Transplant:
Total Nucleated Cell Count, Total Mononuclear Cell Count, Total CD 34 Cell Count, CD 34 Stem Cell Viability, Hematocrit, Sterility, Colony Forming Unit (CFU) Assay, HLA Typing for Donor by NGS, HLA, Typing for Recipient by NGS, Inherited Diseases Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), Pediatric Cancer Profiling Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Viable Mononuclear Cell Count, Sterility, Mycoplasma Endotoxin, Cell Morphology, Differentiation Potential, Potency, Flow Marker Positives: CD 90, CD 73, CD 105, Flow Marker Negatives: CD 34, CD 45, CD 14, CD 19, HLA-DR.

Blood Group and Rh Typing, Anti-HCV, Anti-HBC, HBSAg, HTLV I/II, Malaria, CMV-IgM, CMV-IgG, HIV I/II, Syphilis; and Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) is performed for HIV and HCV viruses.

1.Total Nucleated Cells : ≥ 500 Million (≥ 85% viable cells)
2.Viable CD34+ Cells : ≥ 1.25 Million
3.Maternal ID testing : Negative (Except CMV-IgG)
4.Sterility testing (bacteria & fungi) : Negative
5.Hemoglobinopathies : No homozygous hemoglobinopathy
6.Maternal blood sample collection : Within 7 days of childbirth
7.Infant Health History : Signed by a registered medical practitioner

1.The harvested stem cells are mixed with cryopreservation solution
2.The sample is stored in specially designed, compartmentalized cryo-bags (25 ml), main bag 20 ml) and pilot bag (5 ml)
3.The samples are placed within aluminium canisters and frozen down slowly
4.Then the samples are placed in stainless steel tanks and maintained under below -1960 celsius
5.After storage, a preservation certificate indicating cell count, viability, sterility, etc.at the time of preservation is sent to the Client
6.On every birthday of the baby, an Annual Preservation Status Report with monthly temperature maintenance updates are also sent to the Client

1.Power-Backup: Dual fall-over for power through UPS and DG systems and dual fall-over for cryo-preservation, self-sufficient for almost a month, substantial enough to make alternative arrangements.
2.E-monitored: Storage vessels that are connected to electronic transmitters and alarms for continuous monitoring with trigger alerts to ensure quick recoveries in the event of temperature fluctuations.
3.Disaster Resistant: Seismic resistant buildings with plausibility to withstand natural calamities, with all units stored above ground to avoid submergence during floods
4.Precautionary Measure: Sufficient measures to move the units off-site, such as fully loaded trucks supported with power and refrigeration supply
5.Security: 24*7 high security surveillance, with electronic access and CCTV monitoring